Charles Rowdon

Charles Rowdon

Job Title: 
Assistant Pastor

Jr. & Sr. High Youth Ministry, Preschool Director, Men’s Ministry, Assistance Fund Ministry, Office Administration

Charles came to Shepherd in June of 2017 to serve as our Executive Pastor. Along with his pastoral responsibilities, he has taken on the position of director for the church's preschool. Charles holds a Bachelor's degree in Christian ministry and has an extensive history with youth.  Charles grew up in an Air Force home and was raised in a home dedicated to serving others, an experience that positions him well to care for the needs of the church.

About Shepherd of the Hills

Shepherd of the Hills Calvary Chapel is a loving, friendly church located in Bechtelsville, PA (Pennsylvania), serving Berks, Montgomery and surrounding counties.

Contact Us

527 Hoffmansville Road
Bechtelsville, PA


[email protected]

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