Collin Monger
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Scriptures Cited: Matthew 24; Luke 21:9; John 15:18; John 3:19; John 17:15-16, 22; Philippians 2:2; John 4:39; John 13:35; Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2; 1Peter 1:16; 2 Timothy 2: 19, 22; Revelation 1:8; Malachi 3:6, 22; Ephesians 4:14; Revelation 3:21
I. Introduction
- The world is changing, and not for the better
- Jesus told us to expect this
- Jesus reminds us He is greater than the world
II. The world is dividing; Jesus is uniting (vs 1-3)
- The world divides but Jesus tells us to unite in love for each other
- We show love to those who ask (vs 2)
- We show love to those who can’t ask (vs 3)
III. The world is corrupting; Jesus is sanctifying (vs 4-7)
- The world corrupts morality
- Jesus wants the best for our lives
- The best and happiest life is a sanctified life
IV. The world is about quitting; Jesus is about persevering (vs 8-9)
- We live in a “throwaway world” – everything is designed to be replaced
- Truth has been replaced with relativism
- The truth of God transcends the opinions of the world
V. Closing
- We live in a spiritually hostile environment
- There will be times when it seems easier to quit and go back
- The world can be a great challenge; Jesus is greater.