Sunday Messages Archive

The Believer's Declaration of Independence - Special Service Message

Audio icon 7-2-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, July 2, 2017
Galatians 5

Say What? - April 23, 2017 to June 25, 2017

Audio icon sermon_6-25-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, June 25, 2017
Life can be trying at times and it can be easy to forget this one truth: in the end, We Win!  Whatever you're going through, it isn't how your story ends.  If you go to the last page you'll discover We Win!  So, open your Bible to Revelation 21 as Pastor Collin wraps up our series, Say What? as we look at the promise of our new home in the new heaven and the new earth.

Revelation 21:1-6
Audio icon sermon_6-18-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, June 18, 2017
The life of a believer should be filled with joy because there is nothing more joyful than the knowledge of having a personal, saving relationship with God.  It is a joy the world cannot match or even come close to!  On the other hand, though, there is another side, the side that says there will be difficulty, there will be hardship, not everyone will respond.  And when we come across those times we say, “Things Just Got Real.”

God is a dividing God:
Audio icon sermon_6-11-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, June 11, 2017
When we read about great people of the Bible it can be tempting to want to compare ourselves with them and then become discouraged when we think we don’t match their faith, we’re too weak in the faith.  It becomes easy, then, to doubt our ability.  Moses was one of the greatest men in the Bible but what we find when we read about his life is that he also had doubts. And through it all we see how God chose Moses, not because of his greatness, but because of his weakness and God was able to work.

God chose Moses because of his weakness:
Audio icon sermon_4-30-2017_ltw.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, April 30, 2017
We've all heard the phrase, "God helps those who help themselves." So it might come as a surprise to hear the Bible actually teaches the opposite, that 'God helps those who CANNOT help themselves.' Throughout the Bible we see examples of God coming to the aide of people who have no ability to do it themselves. Join us in Psalm 146 as Pastor Collin continues our new series, "Say What?," and examine this surprising truth.
Audio icon sermon_4-23-2017_ltw.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017
The modern church does a lot. Things like running homeless shelters, feeding the poor, helping with natural disaster cleanup, and more are often on a church's list of activities... and they should be. These are great things for churches to do but it might surprise you to know they are not the church's main purpose. Join us as Pastor Collin begins our new series called "Say What?" where we're examining some lesser-known truths of the Bible. And where better to start than looking at what Jesus said about our main purpose as believers?

Matthew 28:16-20

Resurrection Sunday, 2017 - Special Service Message

Audio icon 4-16-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, April 16, 2017
John 20

Under Construction - January 15, 2017 to March 26, 2017

Audio icon sermon_3-26-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, March 26, 2017
1 Corinthians 6
Audio icon sermon_3-19-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, March 19, 2017
Matthew 5
Audio icon sermon_3-12-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, March 12, 2017
The book of Jonah.
Audio icon sermon_3-5-2017.mp3 Message Date: Sunday, March 5, 2017
Everyone knows what it's like to have plans change on us.  It can seem unsettling when things go awry.  But did you ever consider God is using the change to redirect your life towards Him?  That's what happened to Jonah; God redirected his path to bring Him closer and build him up.  Join us as Pastor Collin explored what happens "When Plans Change" by looking at the life of Jonah.

About Shepherd of the Hills

Shepherd of the Hills Calvary Chapel is a loving, friendly church located in Bechtelsville, PA (Pennsylvania), serving Berks, Montgomery and surrounding counties.

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527 Hoffmansville Road
Bechtelsville, PA


[email protected]

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